Bureau of Reclamation Provides Grants to Improve Water Modeling and Forecasting

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is investing $1.2 million in eight external applied science projects that will develop tools and information to support water management. The projects selected include the development of modeling and forecasting tools, hydrologic data platforms and new data sets to inform decision-making.

"Having the accurate data and quality information is essential for water managers to make critical and timely decisions. We must ensure that we are supply smart," says Deputy Commissioner David Palumbo. "Applied science grants support improving water management tools so water managers can make informed decisions and improve their management of water, especially in times of prolonged drought and climate change."

Projects selected include $55,000 for the Agua Caliente Band of the Cahuilla Indians to develop a geospatial data platform to assess and manage Tribal resources. The Coachella Valley Water District will also receive $200,000 to update the Coachella Valley Salt and Nutrient Management Plan in partnership with seven other agencies by developing water management tools to model and forecast nitrate and total dissolved solids.

To view a complete description of all the selected projects, visit https://www.usbr.gov/watersmart/appliedscience. Visit the Applied Science Grant website for more information about the program. 


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